Liposuction Tunisia

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Liposuction Tunisia

Liposuction is a body reshaping plastic intervention. It is also callaed lipostructure. It is resorted to in case you are willing to get rid of the unwanted bulges of fat accumulated in any area of your body. Nowadays, the liposuction or the lipoplasty concerns a serveral areas of your body and it is efficient for both men and women. The surgical areas can be the thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, waist, upper arms, inner knee, chin, cheek and neck, etc.

Tunisia liposuction sculptures your figure by proceeding to the extraction of fat or adipose tissue from different parts of the body using a cannula connected to a suction vacuum.

Liposuction costs in Tunisia

MedEspoir agency proposes liposuction at affordable prices. So ask for a free online quote.

Liposuction, the procedure

There are various techniques to perform liposuction. But, most of them use cannulas to suction the fat. As an invasive surgery, it is usually performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon injects a sterile solution into the surgical area. The saline solution helps at liquifying the fat. Hence, fat suction is made easier, less painful with less bleeding. Fat can be also liquified with Ultrasound-assisted liposuction that ruptures fat cells. Besides, Laser-assisted liposuction or SmartLipo are less invasive options that provide the best body contouring.

After liposuction

Recovery depends on the type of liposuction you underwent. But, brusing and swelling are to be expected during several weeks. Your surgeon will prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection and a compression garment for 1 to 2 months after undergoing the procedure.

Liposuction results

Liposuction provides permanent results. You can get the best results by maintaining a healthy diet and exercise. you can associate the procedure with other body shaping sugeries like abdominoplasty thigh lift intervention or arm lift procedure. Over the time you can appreciate the harmony of your shape.

English speaking African patients

We welcome daily patients who come from English speaking African countries such as Ghana, Kenya, Bostwana...and we take good care of them, they are operated on by the best plastic surgeons for successful interventions.
