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Free online quoteHair transplant Tunisia
Hair transplantation also called: hair restoration and hair replacement surgery. The procedure is recommended for both men and women to treat baldness, thinning hair, bald spots and receding hairline. These conditions are due to stress, genes, diseases and certain medical treatments. Hair transplantation offers the most effective option to hair loss.
Hair transplant Tunisia cost
Hair replacement surgery is a plastic intervention which cost depends on the technique used by the physician and the “recipient site”: the area that needs hair translocation. So ask for a free online quote to obtain the price hair transplant Tunisia or contact us by phone for more information.
Hair transplantation surgery
The procedure consists in translocating hair follicles from balding resisting areas in the body. The regions are called: “donor sites”. Advanced surgical approaches of hair transplantation adopt (FUT) technique i.e. follicular unit transplantation. First, the doctor starts with cleaning the scalp. Then he numbs the back of the patient’s head. For the transplant, the doctor has the choice between two methods: follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) or follicular unit extraction (FUE).
Follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS)
This method implies the removal of 6- to 10-inch strip of skin from the back of the head. Then, scalp is sewed and closed. The strip removed scalp is divided into 500 to 2,000 grafts. Actually, hair type, quality, color, and the receipt site highly impact the number and the type of the graft.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
After shaving the back of the scalp, the doctor takes hair follicles that he would delicately implant with a needle in slits that he had already created. The surgery takes about 4 and 8 hours. With this method, bleeding is minimal and the sutures are unnecessary.
Hair transplant Tunisia aftercare
With a sensitive scalp after your hair transplant Tunisia, a medical garment will be given to the patient. Pain medications as well as antibiotics are to be prescribed during the first week to reduce pain and infection risks.
Hair transplantation Tunisia results
Hair transplant in Tunisia provides lifetime satisfying results. But, hair loss may happen to some patients. They just need to schedule a second surgery.